Entering foster care

Thank Goodness for My FosterClub Family

Hey there everyone.
So basically lately I feel lately that I have started not only making friendships to last a lifetime, but I have a new found family.

I may not have the opportunity to stay in contact with my biological family, but is it bad for me to say that I want to say that I love them? Or even that I forgive them.

I know that I was told that this internship was going to be an experience, but I did not expect it to be this emotional.

I haven't spoken to my biological family since I was 12 and now is the time I feel that I want to have a family most. With this organization possible I am now making that family that I never had. It has been such a crazy experience, I am soaking it all up like a big sponge!

I'm not sure what else to say at this point but thank you to everyone at FosterClub. The advice has been an amazing help, and thank you to my readers!

This internship is almost half way over (the summer part that is) I can not wait to see what comes next on my adventure being an All Star.

I hope that this wasn't too confusing, I kinda needed to vent today.

"It's not where you've been, it's where your going"

question of the day!

ask yourself this....
Do you feel that you have a support system, or a supportive adult?

I don't speak with my biological family, I am learning that I do need some form of support.
I do now.

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