Entering foster care


Prevention, Aliyah BoatmanStarting when I was three years old, DCFS (Department of Children and Family Services) was called on my mom a total of eight times.

When I was 14, we were finally offered family therapy, my family therapy never worked because it didn't feel right, my mom wanted to change what the therapist still needed to be changed. 

Later, we did family therapy again with a different therapist. He was a really good therapist, but somehow things got extremely worse for my me and my mom. By age 17, my mother and I had gone through four therapists with little progress or results. 

I thought that there would had me things better for me I'm on my mom. I went away for two years and I think  the distance between me and my mother made us closer. But after time went by things  got rough again. I think if my mother was properly diagnosed and got her own personal therapy and medication to help with her needs. Then It would have not gotten so bad that I had to leave home. 

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