On February 17th, 2021 FosterClub and Juvenile Law Center, with special guests Youth Law Center and Children's Law Center of California, hosted a webinar for advocates on re-entry and moratorium provision in the Consolidated Appropriations Act that included the following:
- Overview of Extended Services Provisions
- Models for providing extended services with or without court jurisdiction
- Resources / Actions to help young people understand and access extended services
- Q & A
The Goal of this webinar is to provide tools and tips to states, jurisdictions, and local advocates on best practices to implement extended foster care services such as re-entry and moratorium on aging out provisions to young people who are eligible.
View the webinar recording here > > >
Download the slides >>>
Access the handouts and resources shared on the webinar:
1) Children's Bureau Guidance on the Older Youth Pandemic Relief provisions, released January 15th, 2021.
2) California’s Agreement for continued services to eligible young adults who turn 21 in extended foster care.
3) KidsVoice extended services outreach flyer for young people in Pittsburgh. KidsVoice designed this flyer to connect to eligible young people who are able to receive extended foster care services.
The Supporting Foster Youth and Families through the Pandemic Act (H.R. 7947) became law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act on December 27, 2020 (PL 116-260). This law is intended to bring significant emergency relief to young people in and from foster care. One critical way this relief can be delivered is through direct to youth payments.
Stay tuned for our Next Webinar Wednesday, February 24th at 4:30 pm ET!
Reach out to FosterClub's policy team at [email protected] or Jenny Pokempner at [email protected] for questions about this webinar or implementation.